2013年6月5日 星期三

(Ended) REF#30621 倫敦Chiswick請不住家保姆 PT FT都可 會繁體中文

地點:London Chiswick
要求: 偏好台灣背景,或是能夠教繁體中文的保姆,英文溝通可
- Genuine interest and experience in caring for babies/children (not just someone who wanted to come to UK or just to make money on the side)
- active and energetic: will actively play with babies not just put them in bouncer or swing
- will sing songs and play interactive/developmental games
- will bring to classes/play groups and interact with other nannies/childminders
- proactive:  will through interactions in playgroups/with other nannies, recommend and participate in further activities
- have patience and remains calm under pressure
- will help prepare and feed homemade baby meals
- somewhat flexible (will be times when need more or less help and also when babies will need more attention)
- will change and possibly bathe baby as needed

開始: 現在開始,也可以等到對的人
工資: net 8-12 /hour

