2013年4月25日 星期四

(Pending) REF#30416 倫敦NW2 徵au pair 五月中開始

地點: 倫敦NW2
會說中文的媽媽有3個小孩: 6, 2.5, 1歲
需要一個AU PAIR當幫手

要求: fairly good experience with children under 6s, with lots of common sense, hardworking, energetic, fun and creative.

Healthy non-smoker, 
Reliable & Trustworthy
Loving and fun but firm with strong family values


大兒子: 6 who attends school 9am-3.20pm
小兒子:  2yr 8mth, attending 8am-12pm nursery 5 days a week
妹妹:  1yr 6mth, attending 8am-6pm nursery on Monday & Tuesday

Breakfast preparation 
Dressing up
Few morning school runs during the week
Occasional afternoon school runs Wed-Fri
Laundry (we don't usually iron our clothes, occasional items only when necessary)
Tidying up living areas, especially children's rooms & kitchen
Preparing quick lunch & dinner when needed
Organise play dates & activities
Bath & Bedtime when needed
One night babysitting per week

2 hours in the morning and 3-4hours after noon, up to 35 hours per week.

開始時間: 最理想是11 May 住進來

工資: 包吃住 + 100-150/week 零用金 + 加班費一小時7鎊,如果你真的還想賺更多錢,媽媽會幫你在附近找家教機會,你不介意的話也會找清潔工的機會,這樣你可以多賺7-15/hour的外快。


